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UNPFII "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples right to self-determination in the context of UNDRIP: emphasising the voices of Indigenous youth" UN Headquarters, New York. April 14-26, 2024.

Updated: Jul 2, 2024

2024 Incomindios UN Indigenous Youth Delegation and Central/South American Delegation at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues

Dayana Blanco Quiroga (Aymara, Bolivia), Brenda Saloj (Maya Guatemala), Crystal Lewis (Squamish, Canada), Daanis Pelletier, Cassandra Spade (both Anishnaabe, Canada). L-R

From April 14th to the 26th, 2024, Incomindios proudly supported a brilliant and diverse group of Indigenous delegates from across the Americas at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. The forum's theme, "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples' right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: emphasising the voices of Indigenous youth,'' was particularly relevant as Incomindios hosted its fifth iteration of the Incomindios UN Youth Scholarship program, alongside another delegation from Central and South America. The Youth Delegation welcomed back Cassandra Spade (Anishnaabe, Canada), one of the inaugural scholarship recipients in 2019, in the role of Indigenous mentor. She was joined by Crystal Lewis (Squamish, Canada), Dayana Blanco Quiroga (Aymara, Bolivia), and Daanis Pelletier (Anishnaabe, Canada). Together, they represented their voices and Indigenous communities at the UN and international level, reflecting Incomindios' commitment to continually support and amplify Indigenous youth voices.  The scholarship was created and led by Dr. Alicia Kromer and Incomindios in 2018 to facilitate, support, and enhance more Indigenous youth voices at the UN level, connecting with Elder delegates, and maintaining a strong focus on Indigenous knowledge solutions in fighting climate change. This project could not have gone forward without the cornerstone work of Pascal Elsner, Executive Director of Incomindios, Aline Kunz, the Incomindios UN Selection Committee (Helena Nyberg, Henriette Stierlin, and Barbara Stulz). A massive thank you to Photographer Julian Hahne (National Geographic, Amnesty International, WWF) for his incredible work at photodocumentation at UNPFII.

Global Indigenous Youth Caucus
Meeting w Francisco Cali Tzay
UN General Assembly Hall

The Central and South American delegation was comprised of the courageous voices of Brenda Saloj (Maya Kaqchikel, Guatemala), María Medina Quiscue (Pueblo Nasa, Colombia), and Sicha Cisneros (Sapara, Ecuador), highlighting the global scope of Indigenous issues with a primary focus on the Americas. Alicia Kroemer (Incomindios) and Julian Hahne (National Geographic), non-Indigenous NGO representatives, also supported the team at UNPFII multilaterally. Incomindios was thrilled to witness members of the team deliver impactful statements on the plenary floor and speak at side events. 

Special Rapporteur Francisco Calí Tzay meets with the Incomindios UN Youth Delegation and the Incomindios Central/South American Delegation

They also had a closed meeting with the Special Rapporteur on Indigenous Issues, Francisco Cali Tzay, who emphasised the importance of their engagement and encouraged them to continue their brave interventions at the UN and with the wider global audience, stating, "You are not only the future of Indigenous peoples, you are the present hope of our people." 

Chief Wilton Littlechild supported Cassandra Spade and Crystal Lewis in delivering their statement on the plenary floor to the UNPFII chair and wider audience during the interactive dialogues session on Friday, April 19th.  Cassandra spoke on the importance of Indigenous languages, while Crystal addressed the need for anti-human trafficking intervention in Indigenous communities.

Cassandra Spade (left) and Chief Wilton Littlechild (right) worked together to deliver a statement to the UNPFII plenary 2024 on Indigenous Languages and Sport protections.

The team also participated in a robust meeting with the Ontario Native Women's Association (ONWA) and helped lead the side event “Collective Solidarity with Indigenous Women and Youth” on the afternoon of Wednesday, April 17th the UN headquarters, where Cassandra and Daanis shared their views and led the event in an Anishnaabe prayer and bear song where Daanis shared:“For me It is important to hear the voices of women, the youth, the Elders, and above all, the land.”  On Tuesday, April 16th Dayana spoke at the side event: Empowering Indigenous Youth Voices with WIPO  where she spoke about her communities Indigenous led cleanup efforts with the Uru Uru Lake and how young indigenous people are creating sustainable solutions based on the traditional passed down from their ancestors.

Daanis Pelletier (Anishnaabe, Canada) speaks at the ONWA side event: Solidarity with Indigenous Women & Youth on Wednesday, April 17 at UNPFII: "My name is Daanis Pelletier, I am Anishinaabe from Fort William First Nation in Ontario, Canada. My Father's homelands are M'Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island, I need to recognize all my relations. As a young Anishinaabekwe, I have a duty to nourish the relationship between my blood memory to my Ancestors and practices since time immemorial."

The team was deeply engaged with the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus (GIYC) and met with respected Indigenous leaders such as Inuk politician Piita Taqtu Irniq / Peter Irniq, longtime UN expert Kenneth Deer, Indigenous Rights Expert Prof. Sheryl Lightfoot, and Canadian Ambassador to the United Nations Bob Rae. Some of the delegates also received additional support and guidance from the UNDP.  Brenda Saloj (Maya Guatemala)  and Sicha Cisneros (Sapara Ecuador) delivered powerful statements in the UN plenary for their communities in Guatemala and Ecuador, respectively. Maria Violet (Nasa Colombia) spoke and moderated at the side event: "Frontline of the Indigenous Struggle: From Resistance to Sovereignty - Voices of International Indigenous Leaders” in collaboration with Semilla Warunkwa organisation on Thursday afternoon.

Dayana Blanco Quiroga (Aymara, Bolivia) On Tuesday, April 16th Dayana spoke at the side event: Empowering Indigenous Youth Voices with WIPO where she spoke about her communities Indigenous led cleanup efforts with the Uru Uru Lake and how young indigenous people are creating sustainable solutions based on the traditional passed down from their ancestors.

Brenda, Sicha and Maria each emphasised the importance of Indigenous voices in shaping global environmental policies and programs affecting their communities' well-being, advocating for greater recognition and support. Moreover, they underscored the critical role of Indigenous peoples, particularly women and youth, in addressing urgent issues like climate change, highlighting their deep connections to the environment and advocating for rethinking global environmental and health policies. Through their active engagement, the Incomindios-supported delegates demonstrated their courageous and powerful advocacy to empower Indigenous women and youth to better promote their communities, rights, and self-determination on the international stage.  Congratulations to the entire team and a phenomenal 2024 Incomindios UN Youth Scholarship Delegation!  

Maria Violet (Nasa, Colombia) moderated the UNPFII side event organised by SEMILLA WARUNKWA and iINDIGENOUS: "The Frontline of the Indigenous Struggle: From Resistance to Sovereignty: Voices of International Indigenous Leaders" on Thursday April 18.
Sicha Cisneros (Sapara, Ecuador) delivered a powerful statement on the UN plenary floor: "We, representing Sapara Indigenous youth, urge all UN entities, especially those involved in treaties related to the environment, biodiversity, and climate, to fulfill and enforce the objectives outlined and agreed upon there. Every day, we are victims of the impacts caused by the massive exploration and exploitation of non-renewable resources, and we are here to demand that governments adhere to the tools subscribed to and recognized in each of the constitutions of countries that have adopted ILO Convention 169, tools that allow us to participate effectively in decision-making that directly affects us."
Brenda Saloj (Maya, Gautemala) gave her statement on the plenary floor: "Recognizing the role of Indigenous Youth in active participation in making decisions that affect our future. Self-determination is crucial to guarantee our identity, well-being and sustainable development as Indigenous Peoples. Calling attention to the high criminalization and imprisonment of Indigenous Women and Youth. Especially, the effect of genocide and criminalization on our mental health and on subsequent generations.”

Crystal Lewis (Squamish, Canada) gave a statement on the UN plenary floor: "There is an urgent need for immediate action to provide free, accessible anti-human trafficking training to our Indigenous communities that focus on self defense, knowing the signs of human trafficking and more. Respectfully, this should be funded by our governments and adopted into the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, by giving the power back to our people and lowering our statistics."

To learn more about the Incomindios UN Youth Scholarship Program

 or to see how you can support/contribute please see here: 

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Be the change you wish to see in the world and support Indigenous Youth Voices championing Indigenous-led Climate solutions for the next generations on our planet!

Read below to follow each of our delegates bios, statements, and how you can help support.

(Below photo montage: snapshots of our team engagement at UNPFII)

Dayanas Side Event
Cassandra Spade Statement
Bob Rae Meeting
Global Indigenous Youth Caucus
Marias' Frontlines Side Event
ONWA Side Event
Cass & Crystal Statement
ONWA Meeting

GIYC Opening Session
Meeting Kenneth Deer

María Violet
UN General Assembly Hall

Peter Irniq, Inuk Politician

Sichas Statement

Maria Violet, Brenda, Crystal, Cassandra, Daanis, Dayana and Alicia with Francisco Calí Tzay

Delegation Bios and Statements:

Dayana Blanco Quiroga

(Aymara, Bolivia)

Dayana is an Indigenous Aymara professional from Oruro, Bolivia. She is currently working with the Indigenous Uru Uru Team. It is an initiative that was born to restore the Uru Uru Lake, which is being affected by the effects of climate change, mining, and plastic pollution. Dayana and her community are working on designing nature-based solutions by putting into practice their traditional knowledge. Their main objective is to restore the Uru Uru Lake, a source of life for their animals, crops, and the community's livelihood. They decided to put into practice their traditional knowledge by using native aquatic plants called Totora. First, they elaborate floating rafts made of recycled plastic bottles, which they found thrown as rubbish in Uru Uru Lake. The floating rafts are the bedrock to allocate the Totoras. Then, they put the floating rafts with the Totoras in the Uru Uru Lake's polluted waters; through the powerful work that Totoras are doing, we can see how nature can heal herself. Dayana and her community want to recover harmony with Pachamama to hear again birdsong, have food to feed llamas and cows, and consume clean water without suffering stomach aches from the polluted waters of the Uru Uru Lake.  Dayana and her Uru Uru Team are the recipients of the Equator Prize and we are thrilled for their groundbreaking work of Indigenous environmental advocacy and climate revival implementation! 

Dayanas' Statement: 

“I am Dayana, a proud member of the resilient Aymara people of Bolivia's Great J'acha Karangas Suyu. Today, I want to inform you how mining companies, oil industry, the effects of climate change, and the biggest and endless problem, plastic pollution, are killing our Uru Uru Lake, destroying unique wetlands, ecosystems, displacing flamingos, lamas, alpacas and more from our only house we have.

We, as indigenous peoples, are grappling with the challenge of avoiding climate migrants and losing our territories. In this regard, we are spearheading solutions based on the traditional knowledge and wisdom passed down by our wise elders and ancestors. We are leading nature-based initiatives to heal Mother Earth, such as Totoras decontamination power. Additionally, we are leveraging our knowledge to create sustainable opportunities for collective work and support within our communities, to fight for our existence as indigenous communities.  Today, the Uru Uru Lake, a source of life for indigenous communities, is dying due to illegal and irresponsible mining operations and plastic pollution, affecting our fundamental right to access clean water and threatening our food security and sovereignty. We started buying water for us and our livestock consumption.  Dark days loom ahead. We call upon the Bolivian government to enforce measures compelling polluting industries to abide by Article 8, Section 2, Subsection B of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, mandating effective safeguards against any actions aiming to dispossess us from our ancestral lands and territories. We must safeguard our heritage before it's too late. Urgently, we call upon all member states, UN entities, NGOs, media, and academia to abide by Article 1 of the Convention on Biological Diversity, stating “ the conservation of biological diversity, the sustainable use of its components and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including by appropriate transfer of relevant technologies, taking into account all rights over those resources and to technologies, and by appropriate funding.”  All must encourage children, young people, and researchers to apply nature-based solutions to recover the harmonious relationship with Mother Earth. No more excuses to respond urgent global challenges. No more green colonization, that is killing and displacing our communities and the destruction of flora and fauna. Our flamingos are dying in polluted waters and we are purchasing pastures for llamas. It severs our ties to our territories, where our DNA, memories, identity, and souls are rooted. Still, WE ARE REMAINING RESILIENT, advocating for representation in every space to ensure our voices are heard, not because indigenous peoples view ourselves as superior to others but because we are experiencing the harmful consequences firsthand. Before an action, any sectors must ensure Indigenous representation at their negotiation table; if so, it indicates that you are an ally willing to work for saving our big house that belongs to every human and being on this planet. Otherwise, you are shortening the days of existence on Mother Earth and agreeing to the disappearance of ecosystems, indigenous communities, and future generations  —what a shame for your ancestors would be that. We call upon the cease of war, contamination and death. We urge all of you to live by the Sumaq Qamaña principle to guarantee the well-being of Mother Earth and all inhabitants of our big house!”

For more information on how you can support Dayanas work please see here: Team Uru Uru

Cassandra Spade

(Anishnaabe, Canada)

Cassandra Spade is a grassroots, human rights activist from the Mishkeegogamang First Nation, located in Northwestern Ontario. She is the founder of Gaa-Minwaajindizowaaj (“GAAM”), a grassroots organisation that provides Anishinaabe language and cultural programming to support Indigenous Youth in developing their language proficiency and leadership. Currently, she is studying law at the Bora Laskin Faculty of Law. 

Cassandras' Statement:

“Boozhoo nindinawenimaaganidog. Niin Cassandra Spade nindizhinikaaz. Mishkeegogamaag nindoonjii. Couchiching ishkoniganing nigii-izhi-ombig gaye. Name nindoodem. I have two recommendations about: (1) Indigenous languages, and (2) Sport. First, I did not start learning my language until I was in my twenties. As a result, for the vast majority of my life I experienced feelings of loss, disconnection and loneliness from my identity, and culture. For many years, I struggled to understand my place in the world and where I belonged. The day I started to learn my language I felt like I was coming home. My language connected me to who I am and gave me the ability to speak to my great-grandmother for the very first time in my life. And now, because I know exactly what it feels like not to speak my Indigenous language and how it feels to finally be able to speak it, I will not be the link that disconnects the children in my community from their language. It is now my responsibility to make sure the language passes on from me to the next generation because: (1) the children of my community have a right to know who they are, (2) it is their human right to speak their language and (3) their language belongs to them. Our Indigenous languages take care of us Indigenous people, our languages connect us to who we are. And, now as many Indigenous languages around the globe are rapidly declining and facing the severe prospect of extinction, our languages need us to take care of them. To do this, Indigenous languages globally need stronger legal protections. This is why I am calling all States and delegations to support and endorse our call for the consideration of an International Convention on Indigenous Languages. Second, sport is an ideal learning ground for life’s essential skills, and especially for young people. I call for the support and endorsement of the commonwealth sport declaration on reconciliation and partnership with Indigenous peoples which was introduced last year on April 20, 2023 and is supported unanimously at the general assembly of commonwealth states in Africa. We invite everyone to support and promote and implement this Declaration and to consider it as part of a global campaign to advance peaceful coexistence and reconciliation. We call on all Sports organizations, Institutions, Governments, Games organizers, Individuals and Indigenous Peoples to work together to support and implement the spirit and actions of this Declaration. Miigwech bizindawishiyeg. Thank you for listening.”

To support Cassandras work click here:

Crystal Lewis

(Squamish, Canada)

Crystal is a highly engaged Indigenous advocate and youth leader from the Squamish Nation in Canada. Guided by the principles of "Be the change you wish to see, lead by example, and take action,” Crystal's unwavering dedication is exemplified by their engagement in global issues. Crystal has worked with and in different levels of government, where she has been advocating for climate action, social justice, cultural revitalization, and youth welfare, they have made a significant impact on provincial, national, and international scales. A two-time candidate in Squamish Nation Council elections, Crystal focused on sustainability, wellness, transparency, and sustainable housing, embodying their commitment to positive change. Selected as one of five individuals nationwide to work on Parliament Hill, Crystal contributed to GreenPAC's Indigenous Youth Parliamentary Internship Stream and played a crucial role in formulating Canada's First Ever Youth Policy. Their journey also includes confronting discrimination, fostering language studies at SFU, and earning numerous awards. Crystals' professional endeavours extend beyond political realms to community development projects, anti-human trafficking initiatives, and nominations for UNA-Canada roles in policy recommendations for international peace and security. Through persistent determination, Crystal Lewis continues to make a profound impact on their community and beyond.

Crystals' Statement:  

“Hello Honorable Leadership in this room, My name is Crystal Starr Lewis and I come from Vancouver, BC and the Squamish Nation, and El Salvador. Today I share with you 4 policy recommendations: The first being in prevention of human trafficking… As we all know human trafficking is a major issue that continues to affect all of us.. and sadly the justice system does not take our cries seriously enough. The other day I had the opportunity and privilege to sit in a room with our Canadian Minister of Indigenous Relations and our youth, asking them this question..  “how many of you had an organization or human trafficking organization come to your community and provide you with free and accessible hands-on self defense and human trafficking prevention training?” No one raised their hand. Today I pose the same question. Please stand if you have received any anti-human trafficking prevention training in your community? Thank you. (no one stood).  As we can see, there is a need for immediate action to provide free, accessible human trafficking training to our Indigenous communities that focus on self defense, knowing the signs of human trafficking and more. Respectfully, this should be funded by our governments and adopted into the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, by giving the power back to our people and lowering our statistics. Secondly, cultural safety training should be implemented in all organizations and industries that work with Indigenous peoples, and BIPOC communities, including 2slgbtqqia+, and not just within the healthcare system. Thirdly, and as a former youth in care myself, preventive and precautionary action should be taken to protect children from being removed and placed into multiple different foster homes, unless deemed unsafe, or verified with a child. Not only is this harmful and damaging to a child, social workers should be consistently checking in with the child and not just the caregivers, while providing efficient and ongoing support and training to both the children and caregivers, while taking further preventive measures throughout their vetting process. Lastly, in the words of self determination, I kindly ask the UN to help us create our own entity, similar to the United Nations, which focuses on collectively bringing us together, both internationally and in the words of reconciliation. I kindly ask you to walk with us.. The UN is important and will always be important. We are grateful for all your support and guidance along the way. Now it’s time for us to come together and create our own structure and alliance in partnership with your

United Nations goals. Collectively, and as Indigenous peoples, we have the answers and solutions, we have the strengths and gifts, and we have what it takes. That’s why we are all here. We are doing it right now, right here in this room, in the United Nations Head Quarters. By standing together and working collectively together to address the issues within our Indigenous communities and by helping one another, looking out for another and building together.. in solidarity and without borders and without division.. Together we can collectively pave the way forward, as one entity and as our own self-determined system, in alliance with the United Nations.  Thank you. Chen kwenmantumiyap. Ayos chen sakwatel.”

Daanis Pelletier

(Anishnaabe, Canada)

Daanis is Anishinaabe from Fort William First Nation - an Ojibwe community located on the north shore of Lake Superior in Canada. As a sugar busher, advocate, and young leader, she aims to nourish and protect Indigenous nationhoods through promoting the resurgence of our inherent knowledge and legal systems. Daanis’s work has taken her across Canada and to Aotearoa/New Zealand where she focused on partnership building in service of strengthening Indigenous territorial governance. Daanis will be attending as the Incomindios UN Youth delegate to UNPFII this April 2024. Follow our accounts to support her advocacy at the UN! 

Daanis' Statement:

“Chi-Miigwetch Incomindios for this amazing opportunity! Boozhoo niijii-bimaadiziig Daanis nindizhinikaaz. Anemki Binesiik nindigoo ojibwemong. Migizi nindoodem. Anemki Wajiw nindoonjii. My name is Daanis Pelletier, I am Anishinaabe from Fort William First Nation in Ontario, Canada. My Father's homelands are M'Chigeeng First Nation on Manitoulin Island, I need to recognize all my relations. As a young Anishinaabekwe, I have a duty to nourish the relationship between my blood memory to my Ancestors and practices since time immemorial. I need to preserve my community's traditional practices, such as making maple syrup and the Sugar Bush. This practice is not only crucial for cultural preservation but as it is our right to Self-determination through the form of Food Sovereignty. I want to ensure all voices are heard within all communities like the communities of the natural world and all my relations who are unable to speak for themselves. I want to secure a spot for future generations within their communities and with their identities. It is important to exercise our rights to Self-determination to protect said future. Also, the Environmental Racism my and many other communities around the world face affects our ability to protect our traditional practices and our abilities to pass them on; Preventing our Food Sovereignty and self-determination. Along with the effects of climate change. The experience of attending the 2024 UNPFIl has opened many doors for me and I am forever grateful. Meeting many other Indigenous people around the world highlighted the importance of our experiences. We are all fighting to secure the rights we are entitled to. Gaining a better understanding of the similarities we face as Indigenous brothers and sisters. We are not alone.”

Brenda Leticia Saloj Chiyal 

( Maya Kaqchikel, Guatemala) 

Brenda Leticia Saloj Chiyal is a Maya Kaqchikel woman from Sololá, Guatemala, and an activist for education. Currently, she serves as the Latin America and Caribbean Focal Point at the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus.  She is deeply involved in issues of education, leadership, volunteering, and young indigenous women in Guatemala. She is working to create diverse opportunities for the new generations. Brenda has moderated, presented, and participated as a panellist in various forums and expert panels on Human Rights, Indigenous peoples, cultural relevance, empowerment of young women, and social and civic participation of women, especially Indigenous women. In April 2023, she participated in the Twenty-Second session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) and is again this April. In this session, she was nominated as the Latin America and Caribbean Focal Point of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus. In October, she was a delegate of indigenous youth to participate in the second biennial World Forum of the UN Indigenous Youth in 2023 in Rome. Additionally, she is a psychopedagogue by profession with training in social communication, which has allowed her to support her Indigenous community in overcoming challenges related to education, sexism, discrimination, and inequalities. Her goal is to be part of the change in education and society in Guatemala. 

Brendas' Statement: 

“Thank you. As Indigenous Youth, we recognize the struggle of our elders for the self-determination of Indigenous Peoples. We are committed to continuing with that historical memory.  The caucus represents young people from the seven socio-cultural regions. Despite the diverse ancestral territories of our members, we share common challenges to the recognition of self-determination. Congratulating FAO for co-organizing the World Indigenous Youth Forum. We would like to call on IFAD and WFP to join in the preparation of its final document and we call for the continuation of work with the Caucus. Recognizing the role of Indigenous Youth in active participation in making decisions that affect our future. Self-determination is crucial to guarantee our identity, well-being and sustainable development as Indigenous Peoples. Calling attention to the high criminalization and imprisonment of Indigenous Women and Youth. Especially, the effect of genocide and criminalization on our mental health and on subsequent generations.”

María Violet Medina Quiscue

(Nasa, Columbia)

María Violet Medina Quiscue is an Indigenous Nasa leader and human rights defender for over 12 years. She is the founder of the Indigenous Peoples Victims of Armed Conflict table in Bogotá in 2019. With a professional background in psychology, she participated in the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues at the UN in New York in the years 2022, 2023, and 2024, and was invited to the 16th session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in Switzerland for 2023. She works as a consultant on Indigenous issues related to urban and victim topics. She was invited to participate in the Universal Periodic Review in Geneva on August 28, 2023, where countries worldwide provide recommendations to Colombia. Currently, she serves as a human rights commissioner for Indigenous authorities in Bakata.

Marias' Statement:

"Good afternoon. Thank you, Madam President, and congratulations on your appointment. My name is Maria Violet Medina Quiscue, an Indigenous Nasa from Colombia. The Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues has been making recommendations to member states for years. These recommendations are vital for Indigenous peoples and humanity, both in terms of time and space for survival. They cover economic development, culture, environment, education, and human rights, among other areas. However, the question is: have these recommendations been taken into account? Or do indigenous peoples continue to report and recommend in this space, which should not only be participatory but also ensure security for those of us who participate? There shouldn't be any fear of returning to our territories due to being judicially persecuted, expelled, or even killed, or having our families pay with their lives for making recommendations for our existence in indigenous territories. Unfortunately, the right to participation often becomes a double-edged sword for Indigenous peoples worldwide.

In this regard, I would like to make the following recommendations:

  1. The violation of indigenous peoples' rights should have a greater impact on member states. Therefore, it is recommended to establish a follow-up route and support for reprisals.

  2. It is recommended to advance public policies that guarantee human rights to peoples who have suffered forced migration because today it is the existence of the seeds of life and youth that are being exterminated, not only physically but also culturally.

Thank you very much, Madam President."

Sicha Helga Cisneros Ushigua

(Sapara, Ecuador)

Sicha Helga Cisneros Ushigua was born in July 1998, in the province of Pastaza in the Amazon region of Ecuador. She is 25 years old. She has successfully completed her secondary studies at the Monseñor Alberto Zambrano Educational Unit in the city of Puyo. She is a mother of two children and from an early age has witnessed the constant struggles that various members of her family and leaders of her ethnic group, especially her mother Gloria Ushigua, have faced trying to defend their territory and ancestral ways of life.

From these episodes of intense activities in defence of their rights as Indigenous Peoples recognized by the Ecuadorian State and also recognized by UNESCO as intangible heritage of humanity, legitimately since 2001, Sicha has become aware of the challenges that her culture confronts day by day. She knows that she must take over from her mother to continue the processes she has started. She is clear that the panorama is not easy, the road is full of thorns, but she is not willing to give up and will make every effort to see the dreams that every member of the Sapara People, and especially her mother Gloria Ushigua, have envisioned come true for the benefit of future generations.

Sichas' Statement: 

Good afternoon! My name is Sicha Cisneros, and I represent the International Committee for Indigenous Peoples of the Americas and I am a member of the Sapara Women's Association of the Ecuadorian Amazon - Ashiñwaka. We are here to urge governments to promote and respect the realization of our rights as stated in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Therefore, we, representing Sapara Indigenous youth, urge all UN entities, especially those involved in treaties related to the environment, biodiversity, and climate, to fulfill and enforce the objectives outlined and agreed upon there. Every day, we are victims of the impacts caused by the massive exploration and exploitation of non-renewable resources, and we are here to demand that governments adhere to the tools subscribed to and recognized in each of the constitutions of countries that have adopted ILO Convention 169, tools that allow us to participate effectively in decision-making that directly affects us. The Sapara People are not only victims of circumstances brought about by the entry of foreigners into the territory to carry out resource exploitation tasks, but we have also experienced the disappearance of children and adults from our communities without yet receiving a response or support from the country's authorities. On the other hand, there has been a conflict regarding territorial demarcation with neighbouring peoples, and we also ask representatives from that sector and competent authorities to help us determine the solutions that the case requires.

All Indigenous Peoples have the right to exist and live in complete harmony with nature.

Witsaja - Thank you!

NGO Incomindios representatives present at UNPFII:

Alicia Kroemer


Alicia Kroemer is co-president of the board of Incomindios Switzerland and co-founder of Incomindios UK. A dedicated advocate for human rights, environmental justice, and Indigenous issues, Alicia is originally from Canada and her researched formed the basis for an award-winning documentary on the collective memory of Native residential schools, illuminating historical injustices in Canada. Alicia serves on the UN committee at Incomindios, actively contributing to global initiatives promoting Indigenous and environmental rights. In 2018 she created with Incomindios the Incomindios UN Youth Scholarship Program to support and empower more Indigenous youth voices at the UN. With experience at the United Nations in the Energy and Climate Change branch, she has supported international efforts addressing environmental challenges. Alicia completed her Masters in political science/EU Law (UniGraz/EURAC) and her PhD in political science (UniWien). Having lived and worked in Canada, Austria, Switzerland, and the UK, Alicia brings a diverse range of experiences to her advocacy work, embodying a global perspective. Her scholarly contributions include publications in academic journals, as well as collaborations with Minority Rights Group and Survival International.

Julian Hahne


Julian Hahne is a German photojournalist and filmmaker, renowned for his impactful storytelling on human rights, environmental justice, and Indigenous rights through his compelling images and reports. Born on October 25, 1995, in Herne, Julian spent two years spent two years in international strategy consulting. His passion for photography and advocacy led him to immerse himself in the field of human and environmental rights behind the lens. In 2021 he served as the Field Media Coordinator for the NGO Sea-Watch on Lampedusa, where he documented the plight of migrants and refugees. His work extended to producing reports on humanitarian abuses in West Africa for Amnesty International and capturing various conservation projects for the WWF in Central and South America. Julian's photography has allowed him to traverse the globe, witnessing diverse cultures and landscapes while shining a spotlight on pressing global issues. In addition to his work in environmental and human rights advocacy, he is deeply committed to Indigenous rights, using his lens to help amplify their voices and experiences. Julian has worked with Incomindios in supporting Indigenous delegates at the UN in New York and Geneva since 2023. Currently, Julian is working as a photographer with National Geographic, where he continues to shed light on pressing on Environmental issues, inspiring action and awareness worldwide. Check out Julians coverage of Incomindios delegation at UNPFII across Incomindios social media platforms:




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